meet the practitioners

Psychology Health Studios is the coming together of 2 allied health practices- Psychology Studio, and Naturology Studio.

Psychology Health (PH) Studios is the coming together of 2 allied health practices- Psychology Studio, and Naturology Studio, which were previously located in separate premises in Deagon. We saw the opportunity to combine our services in a way that benefited people who were seeking help for psychological, emotional and physical issues which would ideally be treated with psychological and nutritional interventions (including herbal supports, dietary reviews, and interventions around inflammation and gut health which have been linked to mental illness).

PH Studios was initially conceptualised due to what we saw as a need for more integrated health care, in this time of increasingly fragmented systems and worsening mental and physical health, it felt crucial to offer a service where patients could be held and thought about in real time by multiple practitioners from complementary disciplines. PH Studios offers a service where clinical psychology services, natural medicine and kinesiology disciplines can work synergistically to benefit people whose suffering is influenced by psychological and physical issues.

Meet Phillip Lathopolous

Meet Sarah Claiden

Naturopath Nutritionist Nicole Odlum

Meet Nicole Odlum

Kinesiologist Lou Hardie

Meet Lou Hardie