Medicare Better Access, Expectations and Negative Treatment Effect
Setting realistic expectations of the 10 Medicare sessions per year

Thoughts about Medicare Rebates from a Clinical Psychologist
Having informed and reasonable expectations is very important in any treatment, especially if someone’s internal landscape includes a harsh, critical, rejecting part of themselves that would cause even more suffering at any perceived shortcoming or failing.
It is important for people to understand that the number of Medicare Better Access rebates is guided by policy rather than clinical need, otherwise we risk this being counter-therapeutic by implying unrealistic expectations of what some patients might achieve within 6 – 10 sessions.
While some individuals may experience significant progress within this time, many face deep-rooted challenges and have developed entrenched patterns that require longer-term support for meaningful and lasting change.
Sadly for some, failure to make significant change by the 6th or 10th session can result in:
- Anxiety about inadequacy
- Fears of rejection by health care providers
- Feelings of failure
- Self-rejection
- Or even feelings of despair at the depth and breadth of work possibly required to make the changes they seek.
It is important that we gently remind patients that therapy often needs to continue beyond the initial 10 sessions to see significant and enduring change in the issues that had them to seek help in the first place.
It is also essential for some people that they know they don’t need to “perform” to earn our care or maintain our attention and interest, and that they will have that regardless of how they may struggle, or how long-standing or complex their issues may be.
How we can help
If you feel that you or somebody that you love would benefit from compassionate, attentive therapy, Clinical Psychology at Psychology Health Studios may be of assistance.
Request an appointment online for a time that suits you.